Monday, August 22, 2011

LANA HALLIDAY on Kindle -- And I Did It All By Myself!!

After a lot of trial and error (mostly error) I think I've formatted and converted a short story for Kindle with reasonable success!

My first self-published short story is LANA HALLIDAY, written under the name LuLu Sullivan.
(Available at Amazon for 99-cents.)

Consummate meddler Lana Halliday is part detective, part guardian angel, part trickster. When her friend Ronnie Acton loses his gold-digging fiance -- and the huge diamond engagement ring he gave her -- Lana steps in to set things aright. Her methods aren't always quite ethical, but they're always comical.

I'll give away a free copy to everyone who comments on this post. (Though I reserve the right to change my mind about that offer if it gets to the millions!)

LANA HALLIDAY is an original -- never before published. I hope you enjoy it! Soon I'll be putting out some of my short stories that have appeared in literary and horror magazines.


To get the comments started, name your favorite short story writer. (If you say Wodehouse, you'll probably like Lana Halliday!) Be sure to include your email address for a free Kindle copy of LANA HALLIDAY -- or you can email it to me separately at lauraleesullivan  <<at>> hotmail ((dot)) com if you don't want to make your address public.


Nic said...

I don't really have a favourite short story writer! :( but I'd love to read this, sounds good :) ask me again in a few weeks and I'll probably say you!

This is a great idea of how to show people some of your stuff, so thankyou!

Elisa DeLany said...

Favorite short story writer...hmmm...Kate Chopin. Can you tell I was an English major?

I love the blurb for your short story, Laura. It sounds exciting, funny, and awesome all at once!


Anonymous said...

Laura, I would love to receive a copy of Lana Halliday! She sounds very exciting!

Book-Shelf said...

As we review so many we love them all :D We would love to review this for you xx

Shanan, The Book Addict said...

Congrats on getting it published!

The short story I remembered really striking me was the Snows of Kilamanjaro by Ernest Hemingway. I am not a big fan of Hemingway but that story really stuck with me.
