Monday, November 25, 2013

He Hunts Butterflies... With Guns

My next FREE story is The Butterfly Hunter, a horror(ish) story that originally appeared in the horror magazine Necrotic Tissue. (Is that not a perfect name for a horror magazine? I think it is now defunct, which is unfortunately also appropriate for a horror magazine. Perhaps it will one day be undead.)

O. Beauford Jasper began life as a contented baby surrounded by a garden of flowers. But when one of the flowers torments him by flying away, Jasper begins a lifelong obsession with butterflies that leads him to the wildest reaches of the globe. But he doesn't collect butterflies – this butterfly hunter slaughters them with a gun. He stalks the world's rarest butterflies, and takes joy only in seeing them obliterated by a bullet.

But Jasper gets his comeuppance deep in the Amazon rain forest when he tries to shoot a butterfly thought to be extinct.

You can get the Kindle edition FREE on Amazon November 25-29. Happy reading! (Well, rather disturbing reading, but you know what I mean.)


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